===== Credits ===== === ** Hosters ** === * Tetsuya * SnipeDragon * Synister Gates * Knivelord === ** Programming ** === * Darker Emerald === ** Music ** === * Andy Gillion * Fuge Project * Michael Hebo * Darker Emerald === ** Character Icons ** === * Gh0sTplayr * Re4Wesker * Kubapajonczek * Ouros_Ouroboros * Theonewingeddevil * Minhpho * Synister Gates * Darker Emerald === ** Enemy Icons ** === * Gh0sTplayr * Conjoined Saint Sugar * Darker Emerald === ** Other Icons ** === * Kubapajonczek * Re4Wesker * Marlus * The Gamr * Darker Emerald === ** Mappers ** === * FlippyOfTheDead * Element * The Gamr * Synister Gates * Kubapajonczek * Barthlemon * GrandBlade20 * Ouros_Ouroboros * Richy221 * Darker Emerald === ** Library Codes ** === * IainPeregrine(dmm_suite) * Kunark(Real-Time Line Effects) === ** Helpful ** === * VincentValentineftw * ThePyroX * Minhpho * GrandBlade20 * Synister Gates * Ouros_Ouroboros * Tetsuya * SnipeDragon * Knivelord * Ashley795 __Very special thanks to the BYOND staff for the engine and everyone else who contributed in some way and kept this game alive by playing it.__