Table of Contents

Animation States

  1. blink
  2. down
  3. drawn
  4. hurtidle: (just the last frame of hurtwalk, with low eye blink heads)
  5. hurtwalk
  6. idle (OPTIONAL: defaults to blink if none)
  7. run (OPTIONAL: defaults to walk if none)
  8. sit
  9. sleep
  10. tiredidle
  11. walk
  12. wink
  13. handgun
  14. machineh
  15. melee
  16. shotgun

Credits to .foxel, Marcus, and Cheery

Animation Notes

Aseprite Skin Scripts

Tips (copy and paste)

Base Reference Skins

Sheila ase

Cop Male ase


The Zombifier script will replace colors of the face from sampling blink_s 1st frame in the following positions unless stated otherwise:

Note: that for skins that don't have a spiky chin, you won't have to adjust the “Last chin” coordinates as black will be ignored